Monday, October 3, 2016


Photo courtesy of @TheWayfaringBookworm

So The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee came out recently and I was immediately  hooked by the beautiful cover art and after skimming through the inside flaps decided it was coming home with me where it's sat nestled comfortably on my TBR shelf ever since. Fast forward to @RegularlyReads posting a beautiful picture of it on her account a couple weeks ago and I mentioned I would be down to do a readalong if she was keen. Well she was keen and now we're keen for you to join us! Is that too keen?

Photo Courtesy of @RegularlyReads

Here's the deal, we've broken the book up into four parts and will be reading one section each week and having IG chats about that section at the end of the week on either one or both of our pages (so be sure to follow us both!), followed by a Twitter chat at the end of the book. . We are also working on a contest but the prize is still top secret while we work out the details, so I will keep you posted. Be sure to use the hashtag #WayfaringReadsTheThousandthFloor when you post pictures of your copy to participate in the chat and be entered in the contest.

The reading schedule:
  • October 3rd - 9th: Read up to page 109
  • October 10th - 16th: Read up to page 219
  • October 17th-23rd: Read up to page 327
  • October 24th - 28th: Finish the book!
  • October 28th: Twitter chat
If you read ahead that's fine, but be forewarned anyone posting spoilers in the chat will be booted because spoilers are a no-no.

Happy reading and we can't wait to see your pictures!