Friday, January 8, 2016

Bagels, Scones, Poutine and Ice Cream

So this post is specifically for my big sister, ok well not specifically, you all can read it too! But she asked for it. That is, a break down of my travel plans for this year, or as much of a break down as someone who is as notoriously unorganized as myself can have. So this is what my 2016 will look like...somewhat.... sorta.....

January - Possibly a long weekend in Ottawa, but that's still to be decided...

February - A long weekend in New York with my husband and the in-laws (I'm going to see if I can persuade them to make a stop at The Strand Bookstore while we're there, it's seriously a book worm's heaven!)

May - A two week trip back to the UK where we will most likely be hitting up London and Brighton before I ditch the hubby and adventure up to Scotland to visit some friends for a couple of days.

September - A two week trip back to Edmonton to visit friends and family, and apparently learn how to drive stick-shift in a right-hand drive car in preparation for further UK adventuring in the future. We will see if a friendship can survive trying to teach me to drive stick on the wrong side of the car... I will also be smothering my other dog that unfortunately had to stay in Canada when I made the move down to the United States. She has been living with my mum and enjoying being the only child in the house, she probably doesn't even miss me, the brat.

December - A week long excursion in Seattle!!! I love Seattle and haven't been in years and the hubby has never been so I am extremely excited to show him my favourite places and for us to find new favourites together. December isn't too cold for Molly Moon's Ice Cream, right...?

If you have any suggestions of things to do, places to see, where to get a good cup of tea, or a bookstore that I simply can't live without seeing, please leave all advice in the comments below! And don't worry, I will be sure to take you guys along for the ride.

-The Wayfaring Bookworm x

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